Friday 7 August 2015

Top 5 --- Wrong wrestler gets the victory

WWE, as we know is a full package of Wrestling and Entertainment. Love it or hate it, we, the Wrestling fans can't imagine a week without WWE. As WWE has to deal with a large number of superstars and fans, sometimes the Creatives, (who write the shows), get confused and make wrong decisions. Several such wrong decisions result in fans going against them and bashing the entire lot. Despite that, WWE has continued to make several decisions that make the fans mad. 5 such decisions (recently) are discussed below

5. Royal Rumble 2014 Winner --- Batista
Batista celebrates after winning Royal Rumble
Batista had quit the company in middle of 2010 and was back earlier in 2014 ( basically to promote for one of his movies ). The fans accepted him with cheers and applause and the Decision makers thought that it would be great to make him win the Rumble (which took place a week after his return). In Royal Rumble that year the fan favorite Daniel Bryan was not even in the match that infuriated the crowd and Batista's winning just pissed them off. Heels were getting more cheers that the just-returned-winner Batista. The fans turned so much against him that WWE was forced to change their plans to make Batista a top face once again and thereafter he was portrayed as a Heel till he left the company again in May.

4. Rey Mysterio wins World Title at WrestleMania
Mystertio after winning the World Title
Well it was a Dream Come True moment for many fans when Rey Mysterio won the World Title for the first time in his career in WrestleMania 22 in 2006. It was not that great moment at all. WWE just cashed in on the death of Eddie Guerrero (died 2005) and they knew the fans will get more emotionally attracted if Eddie's long time friend Rey wins the big one (he even won Royal Rumble that year). Also that Title match included Randy Orton and Kurt Angle. Still, Rey was given the title despite being a lightweight(cruiser weight). And his title reign was not that glorious at all, he lost several matches and the reign ended within a few months when Booker T defeated Rey.

3.John Cena's team defeats Nexus at SummerSlam
A 7 on 1 situation against Cena
Nexus was one of the best things to happen in 2010. They had everything to be considered as a great faction. The first target of this group, Nexus, was John Cena and the crowd use to love the 7-1 beat down. It was finally set to end in a 7-7 tag team elimination match at SummerSlam when Team WWE (of Cena) faced team Nexus in the main event. Despite Nexus dominating most part of that match but Super Cena's team was victorious when Cena made the leader Wade Barrett to tap to STF. Nexus could not recover from that loss and the faction cooled down. It was believed Cena used his Creative Controls to stimulate the match results.

2. Triple H defeats Sting at WrestleMania
HHH and Sting shake hands after their match
It was a dream match come True at this year's WrestleMania, when it was again WWE vs WCW. This was Sting's first ever match in WWE, The match had its moments, the crowd went nuts when DX interfered and even more when nWo returned. As a Wrestling match it was not that good. With HHH and his buddies standing tall after the match many believe that HHH stimulated the decisions to eventually prove that WWE was better than WCW.

1. 21-1
Brock pins Undertaker
This doesn't need any explanation. 20 years o being undefeated ended just like that. A new, rising star if had won the match the fans may have reacted differently but when part-timer Brock Lesnar they completely lost it.
The fact remains, Undertaker's WrestleMania streak should not have been broken.

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