Monday 10 August 2015

Top 5 Summerslam matches of John Cena

As we know that Summer Slam is one of WWE’s top 4 pay per views. As Summer Slam 2015 is few weeks away…that reminds me of the excitement and amusement this particular pay per view has given us for years. Summer Slam being the biggest WWE event in the summer, the match card contains the top wrestlers fighting each other out. One of the most important matches of this year’s event is John Cena (U.S. Champ) vs. Seth Rollins (WWE WHC Champ) in a Winner takes all match. Like this year, John Cena has been in several main events at Summer Slam and mainly fighting for the big ones. Cena has put several exciting and enjoyable matches at Summer Slam. This article lists 5 of my favorite Summer Slam matches of Cena
5. Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena(c) for the WWE Title (Summer Slam 2014)
Lesnar destroying Cena
Well, as a match, this was one of the worst worked matches in Cena’s career as well as the worst title defense by him. Lesnar as expected dominated mostly and there was very little offence from Cena. Facing a trained MMA guy is a tough job and this match was an example of it. In that Cena took 16 German suplexes and F5s and showed that he is ready to go through any challenges to retain his spot as the top-notch of the company. This match also helped in enhancing Lesnar’s character as an Unstoppable Beast.
4.  John Cena vs. Edge (c) for the WWE Title (Summer Slam 2006)
Cena vs Edge 
John Cena looked determined and tough throughout this match. There was stipulation that Edge will lose the title even via DQ. There were several distractions by Lita and the match ended when Edge struck Cena with a brass knuckle when the ref was distracted. Though Cena lost the match it was an awesome encounter between them that I always love to see.
3. John Cena(c) vs. Randy Orton for WWE Title (Summer Slam 2007)
Orton about to tap to Cena
Whenever these 2 men are fighting, they give us something amazing and entertaining. In this match Cena successfully defended his title against Orton. The chemistry between these two is another reason why their matches are awesome. This match showcased the skills and talent of these 2 young wrestlers at that time and promised the WWE Universe that they will be on the Top Someday.
2. John Cena(c) vs. C.M. Punk(c) for Undisputed WWE Championship with Triple H as Guest referee (Summer Slam 2011)
Cena vs Punk with HHH as referee
Complexity regarding who is the real WWE Champ was the reason for this match. Though, at the end, Triple H causing Cena the match, this was an awesome encounter that will delight any modern wrestling fan.
1. John Cena(c) vs. Daniel Bryan for the WWE Title (Summer Slam 2013)
The match is set for SummerSlam
Bryan’s dream to hold the WWE title came true when he pushed Cena to the limit in this match and pinned him in the middle of the ring. This match boosted Daniel’s popularity. It was an awesome match, like a treat for any wrestling fan and I just Love to watch this match again and again. 
Thanks for reading

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