Wednesday 19 August 2015

8 Dream matches against Brock Lesnar

Brock Lesnar's WWE career started in 2002 and was only till 2004. He again returned to the company in 2011 after a few successful years in UFC and since return he has been appearing in only the big pay per views in a year. A guy so much strong and athletic has won the heart of fans and they have dreamt several matches featuring Lesnar which will never come true. I have listed my 8 Dream Matches of Brock Lesnar.

1. Lesnar versus Andre The Giant
Andre the Giant
(R.I.P) Andre was one of the most feared competitors of his time, a human destroying machine with 500 pounds of mass and standing over 7 feet. Lesnar is undoubtedly the Beast. If going back to time was possible, I would prefer to watch an encounter between this two.
[ Just imagine Lesnar performing an F5 on Andre ]

2. Lesnar versus Bobby Lashley
Lesnar vs Lashley??
Bobby was pushed as the next Big star during his early days. Many were impressed with his physique and in-ring abilities. Lashley's Mixed Martial Arts background made many of us dream of a possible encounter between him and Lesnar, who was then in UFC. It did not happen but if anytime these two behemoths collide it will be just Awesome to watch.

3. Lesnar versus Sheamus
Sheamus as WWE Champion
Sheamus without a doubt is one of the toughest wrestlers in the roster today. He is a perfect example of a Big-Bad guy. His rise in the company has been quite similiar to Lesnar's march to top. This match had a chance of happening but WWE nixed it. Fans will get to witness an allout brawl if this two ever collide. [ believe me watching Lesnar vs Sheamus will be much better than Lesnar vs Roman Reigns ]

4. Lesnar versus Samoa Joe
Samoa Joe
Samoa Joe is the 'real tough guy' in professional wrestling, a man that work extremely well with all kinds of opponents. As he has recently joined WWE and has revealed that he would love to take out Lesnar, fans can except a gift-to-eye physical encounter between them in future.

5. Lesnar versus Randy Orton
Randy Orton
Well, Orton has already faced Lesnar in a 1-1 match in his early days in WWE. After that years have passed and Randy has cemented his legacy in the organization and proven himself as one of top stars of WWE. It will be more than exciting to see the Apex Predator taking out the Beast, Lesnar.

6. Lesnar versus Batista
Beast vs Animal. Well, one can argue that Batista sucks as a wrestler but the fact remains that he can actually bring the fight to Lesnar. To be true he was The Heavyweight of the past decade. Though he is now concentrating on his Hollywood career if he returns to WWE, it would be awesome to pit him against Lesnar.

7. Lesnar versus Kevin Owens
Kevin Owens as NXT Champion
KO himself has expressed his desire to face his 'idol' Lesnar in near future. Without a doubt KO is a very athletic and agile Heavyweight. He has been in WWE about a year and is already a top Mid-carder after feuding with Cena. I believe that he has all it takes to be Next Big Thing and a feud with Lesnar will be nothing but Beneficial for his career in WWE.

8. Brock Lesnar vs Cesaro
The Swiss Superman, Cesaro
The Swiss Superman is wayyy over with the crowd recently and is on a 'Push', which he deserves. He has God-gifted athleticism and in-ring skills. Lesnar has faced several tough competitors throughout career but the pure strength of Cesaro will be a new challenge for him. I just hope that in future this match becomes a reality. [ Imagine Cesaro swiinging Lesnar ]

Friday 14 August 2015

UPDATE on Sting

Sting in Summer Slam?
During the time of WWE’s Battleground pay per view it was rumored by Wrestling Observer Radio that Sting will make an appearance at that event, for the first time after his Wrestle Mania lost against Triple H, most possibly during the match of Roman Reigns versus Bray Wyatt. Also Erick Rowan or Luke Harper was rumored to return.
 Though at the end of that Roman-Wyatt match we found that it was Luke Harper who actually made his return and helped Wyatt to defeat Reigns. As Sting did not return that night, it was again rumored that he will interfere in a segment involving Roman Reigns and Bray Wyatt and possibly a match would be set up at this year’s Summer Slam. A possible match with Wyatt was strongly rumored. But with the return of Luke Harper, WWE started to rebuild the Wyatt family and then it was believed that a possible Tag match may be on the cards, where Sting may team up with Roman or even a 6 man Tag Team Match where it will be Roman, Dean and Sting versus the Wyatt Family. 2 weeks since the Battle ground pay per view there was no hint of the appearance of Sting on any of the WWE shows. Then again rumors were spread by some WWE talents that Sting may team up with “The Arrow” Stephen Amell to face Stardust and may be the A Lister The Miz at Summer Slam. The idea of such a team of Sting and Amell may be because both of them are Vigilantes.
But we have news that will Shock you. After so many rumors and speculations it is almost confirmed that the legend Sting WILL NOT APPEAR at this year’s Summer Slam pay per view.
 As we have came to know that Sting is in a great shape and that he even asked for a possible angle or feud at Summer Slam which WWE did not accept. Sting will be present in New York City that weekend for Summer Slam Experience program for the fans but will not be in the actual event.
So, as we now know that Sting will not be in Summer Slam but we do not know when he will actually be back in action. Again, WWE decisions may change and we Hope so… Sting is still rumored to have a showdown with The Undertaker at the grand daddy of them all…next year in Wrestle Mania.

Monday 10 August 2015

Top 5 Summerslam matches of John Cena

As we know that Summer Slam is one of WWE’s top 4 pay per views. As Summer Slam 2015 is few weeks away…that reminds me of the excitement and amusement this particular pay per view has given us for years. Summer Slam being the biggest WWE event in the summer, the match card contains the top wrestlers fighting each other out. One of the most important matches of this year’s event is John Cena (U.S. Champ) vs. Seth Rollins (WWE WHC Champ) in a Winner takes all match. Like this year, John Cena has been in several main events at Summer Slam and mainly fighting for the big ones. Cena has put several exciting and enjoyable matches at Summer Slam. This article lists 5 of my favorite Summer Slam matches of Cena
5. Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena(c) for the WWE Title (Summer Slam 2014)
Lesnar destroying Cena
Well, as a match, this was one of the worst worked matches in Cena’s career as well as the worst title defense by him. Lesnar as expected dominated mostly and there was very little offence from Cena. Facing a trained MMA guy is a tough job and this match was an example of it. In that Cena took 16 German suplexes and F5s and showed that he is ready to go through any challenges to retain his spot as the top-notch of the company. This match also helped in enhancing Lesnar’s character as an Unstoppable Beast.
4.  John Cena vs. Edge (c) for the WWE Title (Summer Slam 2006)
Cena vs Edge 
John Cena looked determined and tough throughout this match. There was stipulation that Edge will lose the title even via DQ. There were several distractions by Lita and the match ended when Edge struck Cena with a brass knuckle when the ref was distracted. Though Cena lost the match it was an awesome encounter between them that I always love to see.
3. John Cena(c) vs. Randy Orton for WWE Title (Summer Slam 2007)
Orton about to tap to Cena
Whenever these 2 men are fighting, they give us something amazing and entertaining. In this match Cena successfully defended his title against Orton. The chemistry between these two is another reason why their matches are awesome. This match showcased the skills and talent of these 2 young wrestlers at that time and promised the WWE Universe that they will be on the Top Someday.
2. John Cena(c) vs. C.M. Punk(c) for Undisputed WWE Championship with Triple H as Guest referee (Summer Slam 2011)
Cena vs Punk with HHH as referee
Complexity regarding who is the real WWE Champ was the reason for this match. Though, at the end, Triple H causing Cena the match, this was an awesome encounter that will delight any modern wrestling fan.
1. John Cena(c) vs. Daniel Bryan for the WWE Title (Summer Slam 2013)
The match is set for SummerSlam
Bryan’s dream to hold the WWE title came true when he pushed Cena to the limit in this match and pinned him in the middle of the ring. This match boosted Daniel’s popularity. It was an awesome match, like a treat for any wrestling fan and I just Love to watch this match again and again. 
Thanks for reading

Friday 7 August 2015

Top 5 --- Wrong wrestler gets the victory

WWE, as we know is a full package of Wrestling and Entertainment. Love it or hate it, we, the Wrestling fans can't imagine a week without WWE. As WWE has to deal with a large number of superstars and fans, sometimes the Creatives, (who write the shows), get confused and make wrong decisions. Several such wrong decisions result in fans going against them and bashing the entire lot. Despite that, WWE has continued to make several decisions that make the fans mad. 5 such decisions (recently) are discussed below

5. Royal Rumble 2014 Winner --- Batista
Batista celebrates after winning Royal Rumble
Batista had quit the company in middle of 2010 and was back earlier in 2014 ( basically to promote for one of his movies ). The fans accepted him with cheers and applause and the Decision makers thought that it would be great to make him win the Rumble (which took place a week after his return). In Royal Rumble that year the fan favorite Daniel Bryan was not even in the match that infuriated the crowd and Batista's winning just pissed them off. Heels were getting more cheers that the just-returned-winner Batista. The fans turned so much against him that WWE was forced to change their plans to make Batista a top face once again and thereafter he was portrayed as a Heel till he left the company again in May.

4. Rey Mysterio wins World Title at WrestleMania
Mystertio after winning the World Title
Well it was a Dream Come True moment for many fans when Rey Mysterio won the World Title for the first time in his career in WrestleMania 22 in 2006. It was not that great moment at all. WWE just cashed in on the death of Eddie Guerrero (died 2005) and they knew the fans will get more emotionally attracted if Eddie's long time friend Rey wins the big one (he even won Royal Rumble that year). Also that Title match included Randy Orton and Kurt Angle. Still, Rey was given the title despite being a lightweight(cruiser weight). And his title reign was not that glorious at all, he lost several matches and the reign ended within a few months when Booker T defeated Rey.

3.John Cena's team defeats Nexus at SummerSlam
A 7 on 1 situation against Cena
Nexus was one of the best things to happen in 2010. They had everything to be considered as a great faction. The first target of this group, Nexus, was John Cena and the crowd use to love the 7-1 beat down. It was finally set to end in a 7-7 tag team elimination match at SummerSlam when Team WWE (of Cena) faced team Nexus in the main event. Despite Nexus dominating most part of that match but Super Cena's team was victorious when Cena made the leader Wade Barrett to tap to STF. Nexus could not recover from that loss and the faction cooled down. It was believed Cena used his Creative Controls to stimulate the match results.

2. Triple H defeats Sting at WrestleMania
HHH and Sting shake hands after their match
It was a dream match come True at this year's WrestleMania, when it was again WWE vs WCW. This was Sting's first ever match in WWE, The match had its moments, the crowd went nuts when DX interfered and even more when nWo returned. As a Wrestling match it was not that good. With HHH and his buddies standing tall after the match many believe that HHH stimulated the decisions to eventually prove that WWE was better than WCW.

1. 21-1
Brock pins Undertaker
This doesn't need any explanation. 20 years o being undefeated ended just like that. A new, rising star if had won the match the fans may have reacted differently but when part-timer Brock Lesnar they completely lost it.
The fact remains, Undertaker's WrestleMania streak should not have been broken.