Thursday 30 July 2015

Kevin Owens on facing Lesnar, Rumors on AJ Lee, More

Owens vs Lesnar dream match!
In a recent interview with talkSPORT Gorilla Position podcast (c: MTV UK), Kevin Owens was asked his opinions on a possible encounter with the Beast Incarnate, Brock Lesnar
KO said that he is very excited about the bout, and the fans would love to watch them 2 destroy each other. He also said that when Lesnar made his WWE debut he was there at the arena as an audience. He said he was kind of blown away by The Beast's presence in the ring, and he even bought few of his merchandises then. He said that they had a dog few months later and he named him Brock. He admired Lesnar so much that he even used F5s in his indie days. He said that it would be like a dream coming true if he faces Lesnar in a match and he will love to put an end to Lesnar.
AJ Lee as WWE Divas Champion

It was noted ,after a recent Comic Con appearance by former WWE Divas Champion AJ Lee, that she is not interested in any more bookings as of now. Some people who had tried to book Ms. Punk for some appearances said that they were told, it would cost an approx $15,000 plus the charges of business class travel and hotels to book her.

WWE's earning reports were filed earlier this morning. According to that report, WWE Network has an approx 1.15 Million PAID subscribers as of June 30, 2015. It's a slight fall from 1.32 Million users as they said they had, the day after WrestleMania 31. The report also states that from the launch of the WWE Network to June 30, the network has attracted more than 2 Millions of unique users, with 60% of them being active users. With the increase in Popularity of the Network WWE has planned to launch 180 hours of more content to the Network (they currently have 3300 hours of content), which will include more episodes of WCW Monday Nitro, NXT content and much more......

Sunday 26 July 2015

Is WWE doing the right thing to the HulkStar?

Hulk Hogan
We know WWE has removed anything related to Hulk Hogan from their official website and is denying their link with him, when found out he used racial slurs and WWE has 0 tolerance towards Racism. But should they behave like this? I think they could have suspended him for a few months or do something like that but denying his contributions to the wrestling industry won't be fair. Here are a few reasons why....
1. Everyone makes mistake. A mistake cannot define a person. If your friend made a mistake years ago and apologize about it...won't you forgive him? yes, we all will do the same. Also no one bothered to check if Hogan had changed after that incident. Again, this video which is the proof that Hogan has used racial slurs was taped 8-9 years ago. If we outcast anyone who made a mistake in life the Earth would soon become vacant.
2. WWE want to erase Hogan from History books because of him using the "N" word. But even WWE cannot call themselves racism free. Why? even Vince used the "N" word in a conversation with John Cena. Mexican superstars Rey Mysterio and Alberto Del Rio had complained about numerous racism instances within WWE, a similar incident led to the firing of Del Rio. Even many gimmicks of wrestlers in WWE hinted racism. The question still remains...why did WWE never had a Black Champion?
3. A lot of celebrities have backed Hogan. While many youngstars support WWE's decision of erasing Hogan, many of the legends of wrestling business have supported Hogan. This list includes Jim Ross, one of the most respected men in this business, also Mick Foley who have tweeted supporting Hulk. Undertaker is also rumoured to support the Hulkstar. Why are they supporting Hogan? because they know how this wrestling business works. They know the racial slurs that go behind the scenes and singling out Hogan would be wrong.
4. WWE's worth came down by $50 Million after firing Hogan. So you may question they may have fired him for financial reasons? NOPE. Hogan was not the face of WWE, the shares will be up and running by next week even if Hogan is there or Hogan is not there. His presence is not going to make a big difference. It’s guys like Lesnar, John Cena, Randy Orton, and the other big names that drove the business and Hogan had the smallest role to play.
5. WWE cannot do the Chris Benoit treatment to Hulk Hogan. Hogan was the main reason WWE became Mainstream. He was the champion from 1984-1988. He has mainevented WrestlMania on several occasions. His matches with Andre The Giant, The Rock, Macho Man, Bret Hart, Stone Cold, Brock Lesnar, Undertaker are unforgettable, also who can forget about the New World Order (NWO). If they erase Hogan there will be a Large Loophole in the history of WWE, which I think they don't want.
These are my views, what you guys think?